I believe we could all stand to be a little more territorial.
Not in the ways that are commonly recognized, but in ways that are traditionally undervalued or overlooked.
We could all be a bit more possessive about the lives we lead. We could all be a little more unabashed aboutg how our non-shared experiences influence our becoming,
It should be clear to us who we live for, what we’d die for, and to what extent our actions are in alignment with our beliefs.
Every day, making the tiny adjustments needed to get that much closer to our desired state.
We should be unapologetic about the values are actions are rooted in, the desires our energy propels us towards, and the dreams that keep us pushing to go further, and hoping to go farther than we’ve ever gone before.
Because the best way to be original... is to be yourself.

Modesty has been grossly misinterpreted. Often, when we think about being modest, we think of something, or someone, unremarkable. If we were taught to uphold this virtue, we think it means to blend in rather than to stand out. To conform, to shape our desires so that they look like and feel like what’s expected of us. Whoever we are, and whatever we happen to represent.
A lot of people dream big and play small when trying to align themselves to this virtue.
Many of their dreams unspoken, and many of their thoughts unheard.
Shut down by their inner critic and silenced by the weight of judgment.
Discrediting their ingenuity and devaluing their creativity under the, “I’m nothing and no one special,” slogan.
Like it takes some special gift to have an independent thought.
As though embracing one’s uniqueness and individuality, was somehow its own blatant form of arrogance. For those too modest to dare to be themselves.
For those too modest to dare to blaze a path.
We suffer the confinement of our own limitations. We are typecasted in the models that we project onto others. It is the contempt we hold for our desire to be ourselves, that we project onto those who dare to do so, proudly. It is the weight of our own mock humility that keeps us cowering in dark, rather than boldly stepping into the light.
Whatever that light might represent.
Be it expression, evolution, or actualization.
Claiming ourselves, with boldness.
Feeling confident and capable stepping into our uniqueness and all the ways that it translates.
Regardless of who it upsets, irrespective of who it disappoints.
There is no better version of self, than the version that I am, or the version I am becoming.
I will be territorial, and I will be possessive of all that layers into my individuality.
Because I recognize that I was born an original… and I’m not interested in being anyone else’s copy.
My focus is on originality, my focus is to align to the highest version of self I can attain.